Swim Lane Flowchart

Process Chart

process description: A customer walked into our restaurant, this is how we take care of
our costumers on a daily basics.

Our main goal for this process chart is to serve our costumers as soon as they walk into Havana central. When a customer walk in, the front assistance ask how many people are we going to serve. Based on that criterial the waitress find an available table if there is one or make our guests wait until one is available. Then, the waitress processes to seats our guests; distributing the menu. Leaving for a couple minutes to serve others guests and come back to ask if they are ready to oder. If they are ready, he/she takes the order and collect the menu. Going back to bring their beverages, while telling them that food is going be ready soon. After he/she is called by the kitchen the waitress picked the food and take it to the customers. Also, to make sure everything is right with their order the waitress pass by the guest table some times while their enjoying their food. As they are done with the food, the waitress clean the table. Afterward asking if they would like any desert. If they does not want it. They might ask for their bill. She/he processing the order and gave the bill to the customer; then they paid. Finally, the waitress handle the customer their received and showing them that we appreciate their visit.

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